Things are going well, and we are staying very busy. God is working in Panama and it's so exciting. We are well into the second class of The Church Planting Institute and we are anticipating that at least 4 new churches will be started as a result of this class. This will give us a total of 9 churches that have been started through the UP Team. There are many areas of the city that we are seeing evangelistic work being started that previously had none.
Cavin is also teaching a church planting class at the Panama Baptist Seminary. It's been great to see these 16 students learning and eagerly applying the principles that we are discussing in class. God is preparing these students and is already using them to impact lives in Panama.
We are gearing up for a Summer full of mission teams coming from various Southern Baptist Churches in the States. We are partnering each team with a national church planter to assist in the work in specific areas of the city. Some of the work these teams will be doing will be prayer walking, community evangelistic events, and mapping with the ultimate goal of starting churches so that many people will come to have a true relationship with Christ.