This week has had its ups and downs. Christian had to miss three days of school this week due to being sick with the flu. Therefore, Charlotte and I had to switch out on going to sessions so one of us could be home with her. She was able to go to school on Thursday and Friday.
Dr. Rankin spoke three days this week on the subject of spiritual warfare. We know that spiritual warfare is very real and we know that Satan will attack us as we strive to serve the Lord as He has called us to do. Dr. Rankin shared a lot of true stories of how some have fallen as Satan has attacked them, but also encouraged us with examples of how so many missionaries have remained true to the Lord in spite of hardships and struggles. We must be constantly put on the armor of the Lord to be on guard against Satan's tactics so that we can stand firm.
Yesterday we had a regional meeting with everyone who will be in the Middle America Region. We will be spending a lot of time with some of these families, as several will also be with us during language school. We have also begun listening to Spanish CD's to become more familiar with hearing the spoken language. We are required to listen to 15 minutes of Spanish per day while we are here.
Today, we basically have the day off as we don't have any meetings to attend. We had planned to go to Washington D.C. today for the day with two other families since we are only an hour and a half away. However, Preston woke up this morning with a fever of 102, so needless to stay we had to cancel our plans. We are all a little disappointed because today is a beautiful day and the temperature is supposed to be in the high 60's which is much warmer than the rest of the week has been. Hopefully, we will have another time to go and sight see in D.C.