Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cawthon Update

As soon as I finish writing this blog entry, Cavin and I will be leaving to attend a small group of one of our church planters.  This group has been growing and is at the point of multiplying and starting a new group.  This is very exciting to see the multiplication process take place.   Pray for this group and for the leadership necessary to start a new group.

Tomorrow morning, we will be having a worship service in a park of a neighborhood where a group of church planters have been working.  This will be the first time this group has met together for Sunday morning worship.  It's exciting to be a part of what God is doing in the neighborhood of Don Bosco.


eMLU said...

Glad you put your address on Mosaic prayer time for your birthday. I pray you will have a great day and
and a great year in the Lord's work. I pray I will remember to check in on your blog often. I enjoyed the picture of your family and learning about your mission area. Love in Christ Lou & Bob Morecraft in Marshall,Il.

EMLU said...

Glad you put your address on Mosaic prayer time for your birthday. I pray you will have a great day and
and a great year in the Lord's work. I pray I will remember to check in on your blog often. I enjoyed the picture of your family and learning about your mission area. Love in Christ Lou & Bob Morecraft in Marshall,Il.