Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 2 in Costa Rica

Charlotte wanted me to make sure everyone knows the people on the trip with us. Gerry Davis is from First Baptist Church in Enterprise. Jeff Fields is from Hillcrest Baptist Church in Enterprise. Josh Keely is from County Line Baptist Church in Hiram, GA.

Today is day 2 of the 7-day mission trip. The biggest part of the day we went through training on the strategy and focus of the work in Costa Rica. The leaders of “Operation GO”, Mark and Kathy Kemper, spoke to us about place the Gospel of John in every home in Costa Rica. Mark and Kathy are true missionaries that are sharing the gospel with everyone they come in contact with. www.mikeandkathykemper.blogspot.com or www.opgocostarica.blogspot.com .

I also got to see my possible new home here in Costa Rica. It needs to be renovated but I believe that it is a nice house. The next entries will be pics of the house, language school and where we are staying at now.

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